Another change on alcohol duty
Oct 1, 2023
Nearly everyone, I talk to do not realise that there has been another change on alcohol duty which the government put in place in August, this time, it’s on the volume of the alcoholABV. Everyone in the drink industry have found this new was of calculating Alcohol duty a complete muddle. It has roughly added a 50p increase to a bottle of still wine, spirits, and strong bottled beer. When I was speaking with a customer they mentioned that some alcohol products have come down, which they have if they are under 3.5%ABV. It has been a complete nightmare for all brewers and some for example like Carlsberg have lowered the ABV in their Pilsner lager from 3.8 to 3.4% to lower the duty and reduce the costs.
Aug 30, 2023
What a joyful sight it is, seeing our farmers producing food. Exactly what they should be doing, rather than being paid to grow pretty flowers! Yes, we need to get the right balance in how we care for our environment, but most importantly, we need to grow food to live and feed our families.
Another Wimbledon season is over
Jul 20, 2023
It’s always a joyous time watching all the celebrities and Royals enjoy the tennis in their finery (and hopefully under some British sunshine).
Time to put your trust in local
Apr 25, 2023
Shoppers who want to support British farmers are often put off by confusing food labelling, but a scheme started in Dorset is aiming to change that.
A recent incident in which a supermarket was forced to remove packs of sliced beef and deli products, which had allegedly been mis-labelled as British, has highlighted once again how our trust in food supply chains can sometimes be misplaced.
Watch out for the milk crisis & buy British lamb
Apr 25, 2023
There have been some empty supermarkets shelves of milk in recent weeks. Much like the egg crisis we have just experienced, our dairy experts have now warned there will be a milk supply shortage due to the lack of demand from China. This has been happening for the last three years since the first lockdown, and the consequent increase needed in European milk production. What a crazy world we live in.
Finding us
Rawston Farm Butchery and Farm Shop
Rawston Farm
Tarrant Rawston
Dorset, DT11 8SF
07796 801525
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 8.00am to 4.30pm
Saturday - 9.00am to 2pm
Sunday - Closed